Contribute, Write for Us is a great place to discuss adult related topics but its also a great place for adult webmasters to get links!

Here you can submit adult related articles with back links to our site and they will go live immediately!

To avoid having your post removed and being banned form our site please follow these simple rules…

  • Guest post should be 500+ words.
  • Just original articles will be accepted. Duplicate content is not allowed.
  • Guest posts should include images or it will be erased! No pornographic images or videos. is a place where you can discuss the most perverted adult ideas and topics however, we do not allow pornographic images or videos. 
  • Just one backlink is allowed and 2 other articles to authority sites must be included in the text.
  • At least one HQ picture must be included.
  • We expect you to share the article on relevant social networks after publication.